Codycross CheatsCodycross Cheats

All the latest answers for popular and addictive Codycross word game.

Planet Earth - Group 9 - Puzzle 1 Codycross

CodyCross is a brand new game developed by Fanatee. The idea behing this trivia app is very simple actually. You are given various crossword clues and you have to guess the correct answers. For each answer that you find you get bonus letters which will help you at the end find the hidden keyword. There are several worlds in this update and as the developers have mentioned, the game is soon going to be available for all Android devices as well. Please find below all the CodyCross Planet Earth - Group 9 - Puzzle 1 Answers.
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Planet Earth - Group 9 - Puzzle 1

Place for medical care, surgery, emergency:

Title of nobility, female:

Crackers; aquatic animal:

Ryan __, actor who played Deadpool & Green Lantern:

Mnemophobia is the fear of __ from your past:

Large unit of military ground forces:

Small type of orange, sweeter than the regular ones:

Device to control a character in a computer game:

A hair __ is where hair grows from:

After effects of a night of drinking:

Most serious form of skin cancer:

Collection of information for a business:

Main gas in Jupiter:

To feel that all faith is gone:

Freshwater rhipidistian fish within Dipnoi class:

Ryan __, Canadian Deadpool actor:

Batted ball that rolls on the ground:

Airline with minimal luxury, lacking flounces:

Small type of citrus, sweeter than regular oranges:

Device, might be used to control a video game:

Jupiter is mostly made of this gas:

108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (108 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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