Codycross CheatsCodycross Cheats

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Fauna and Flora - Group 172 - Puzzle 5 Codycross

CodyCross is a brand new game developed by Fanatee. The idea behing this trivia app is very simple actually. You are given various crossword clues and you have to guess the correct answers. For each answer that you find you get bonus letters which will help you at the end find the hidden keyword. There are several worlds in this update and as the developers have mentioned, the game is soon going to be available for all Android devices as well. Please find below all the CodyCross Fauna and Flora - Group 172 - Puzzle 5 Answers.
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Fauna and Flora - Group 172 - Puzzle 5

Operating a car:

Half-sized flute made in Italy:

Bringing something to an end, conclusion:

Boat sport using the wind to traverse:

Western European country; capital is Brussels:

Solvent molecules pass through a membrane by __:

With Pharisees in the New Testament, opposed Jesus:

Deviate away from the main topic:

Upscale, fancy mineral water brand:

Abominable __ is a SHIELD paranormal member:

US city where the Gateway Arch can be found:

Self-respect in speech and conduct:

Behind the second to last defender in soccer:

Chinese __ Rings, classic illusion trick:

Eight-sided shape:

British machine-gun used on the Western Front:

__ Hebdo, satirical magazine attacked in 2015:

Alzheimer's __, degenerative disease of the brain:

A rayon fabric that sounds thick:

Simpsons buff, beer spokesman:

Eight-legged creatures, feared by many:

New __, place where Lord of the Rings was shot:

The smallest State in the world:

Use @ to reply or do this on Twitter:

Quito is the capital of:

The __ Life of Henry VIII, post Boleyn beheading:

Another name for low fat ice cream:

The Sound __, classic film with singing nuns:

Yorkshire artist of A Bigger Splash:

Web spider:

PC that isn’t a laptop:

Alzheimer's __, degenerative brain condition:

Large earthworm popular in fishing, the night __:

109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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