Codycross CheatsCodycross Cheats

All the latest answers for popular and addictive Codycross word game.

Concert Hall - Group 587 - Puzzle 4 Codycross

CodyCross is a brand new game developed by Fanatee. The idea behing this trivia app is very simple actually. You are given various crossword clues and you have to guess the correct answers. For each answer that you find you get bonus letters which will help you at the end find the hidden keyword. There are several worlds in this update and as the developers have mentioned, the game is soon going to be available for all Android devices as well. Please find below all the CodyCross Concert Hall - Group 587 - Puzzle 4 Answers.
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Concert Hall - Group 587 - Puzzle 4

Embalmed and wrapped in cloth:

Edible item marketed as being wonderful for health:

Capital of Iceland:

People who design and build machines:

Luke __: main protagonist of Star Wars trilogy:

Stubborn, headstrong:

Economic good or service that can be sold:

People who live on land surrounded by the sea:

Mantel socks hung for Christmas:

Someone or something beyond help:

Military unit assigned to a particular mission:

Shown in a gallery:

Invade someone's selfie:

Physically fused together:

Ticket-selling kiosk for movies or plays:

Study of celestial objects & their influence on us:

Worn by a canine around the neck:

Greek playwright who authored Oedipus Rex:

Symbolic moment or time reached in life:

Lotion with SPF to protect skin, prevent burning:

Puccini opera; beautiful winged insect:

Rental home, one of many inside a larger building:


109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (109 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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